I realise I have been neglecting you again. I can only apologise.
In my defence, I have been working really hard (at getting a tan) in Spain.
I HAVE, however, also been making some changes. My portfolio has had many things removed and added and the portfolio page of my website has since followed. I've taken away the crazy projector thing (which, although providing you visitors with hours of unending fun, was impractical; limiting the space for the actual illustrations to be shown. And I suppose, being an illustration website, the illustrations ought to come first. Sorry, I know it's boring).
I've also arranged the thumbnails into two categories - 'children's illustration' and 'older audiences', which encompasses the books market and greetings cards, along with my personal work - prints and so-forth.
I've been meaning to tidy this page up for a while so currently feel like I would imagine I would feel if I'd just given my room a big tidy (I can only speculate as to what this feels like, as I have not given my room a big tidy in quite some time).
If you spot any problems with it or can think of a better way of wording 'older audiences' please let me know!
Also the 'Echoes' book IS on its way still - I'm rather busy recently so it is being somewhat delayed!